How to get more work as a freelancer


Nowadays, talent and technical skill aren’t the only determinants of how much work a freelance photographer will receive. In fact, many roadblocks that drive opportunities away stem from something as simple as the setup of your photography page(s). 

Based on my own experiences as a photographer recruiter, below are some tips and tricks that can help drive activity into your inbox.

Be Reactive

Unbeknownst to you, there may exist some current aspects of your photography page(s) that impede a recruiters willingness and/or ability to get in contact with you. As a result, recruiters may resort to less than ideal channels to attract your attention.

Below are some reactive measures that you can implement to make sure an opportunity does not slip through the cracks: 

Make sure your links aren’t dead-end

A common frustration is when a recruiter is redirected to a page domain that does not exist. Regularly check the validity of links to your various photography pages so recruiters know that you are indeed “open for business".

Don’t miss a DM

Whether it be a direct message on a social channel, a proposition through a comment thread or an email redirected to junk mail, it’s easy for a reach-out to slide under the radar. Make it a habit to check these various channels and to not be submissive of the informality.

Keep it professional

If you want to be taken seriously, it is important to differentiate your personal pictures from your professional work. If you haven’t already, create a separate social profile for each. The last thing you want is for a recruiter to mistake your #selfiesunday for legitimate work! 

Be Proactive

There are many easy and quick measures that can be taken to encourage traffic and engagement via your photography pages. To be sought you must first be found, and following the tips below can help bring freelance opportunities to your door:

  • Information visibility is key

    Make it easy to be found. First things first, it’s important that your professional social channels are kept public. The next step is to ensure that your title and contact information is present and salient on any platform. Let it be one of the first thing visitors see when they land on your page to encourage contact.
  • Be your own reference

    It can be difficult for a recruiter to be aware of all your various online presences. Become easily accessible by making mention of and attaching the links to your various pages all in one place. Leverage your awareness on one platform to increase traffic on all your other channels.
  • First impressions matter

    People make assessments within the first few seconds of visiting a webpage. This means ensuring that everything from display pictures, banners, featured content, and layout of your pages project the impression you want to make. Clean, clear, and aesthetically pleasing visuals are key to encouraging further site exploration.
  • Surround yourself with the right people

    Ever hear the saying that you are the average of the five people you hang around? In this case following the right people on your social channels as well joining and having content featured on certain communities can help lead recruiters your way. Be picky about who you follow as well as who you are followed by, you never know who might be taking notice. 

There is no secret to increasing traffic and activity to your page. The solution is often something that could take minutes to implement. Don’t be afraid to experiment and try out different techniques, you never know what opportunity may come knocking on your door!

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guest post by:

alessandra possamai

Toronto, ON
Alessandra is a member of Shutterstock Custom's creative and marketing team, aiding in initiatives both creative and customer-facing.